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Download stats for software package zlibbioc

Data as of Tue. 30 Apr 2024

Package zlibbioc is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 3.19.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2011 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 48611 121060
Feb/2024 49230 147524
Mar/2024 64654 218127
Apr/2024 62964 181133
May/2024 0 0
Jun/2024 0 0
Jul/2024 0 0
Aug/2024 0 0
Sep/2024 0 0
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 184403 667844


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 33377 89334
Feb/2023 36404 94226
Mar/2023 44941 101792
Apr/2023 43613 99591
May/2023 46331 101533
Jun/2023 43546 85323
Jul/2023 41905 87390
Aug/2023 41707 92536
Sep/2023 46791 100382
Oct/2023 49131 103560
Nov/2023 56976 117630
Dec/2023 43476 86314
all/2023 372457 1159611


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 39121 96308
Feb/2022 38850 74889
Mar/2022 48970 117756
Apr/2022 49950 112399
May/2022 46859 124985
Jun/2022 45910 108798
Jul/2022 44327 103931
Aug/2022 48751 100410
Sep/2022 45318 79521
Oct/2022 51174 100198
Nov/2022 57038 123953
Dec/2022 35062 69849
all/2022 446998 1212997


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 31268 53303
Feb/2021 31491 52356
Mar/2021 38950 65730
Apr/2021 36860 69032
May/2021 35054 56409
Jun/2021 38416 63768
Jul/2021 36174 59118
Aug/2021 35027 57291
Sep/2021 36826 62491
Oct/2021 41190 81577
Nov/2021 44121 108036
Dec/2021 36695 92604
all/2021 356264 821715


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 21379 38999
Feb/2020 24033 43657
Mar/2020 29214 47661
Apr/2020 31721 51380
May/2020 33313 93531
Jun/2020 30768 53273
Jul/2020 30317 54076
Aug/2020 25978 44580
Sep/2020 28186 47988
Oct/2020 32470 55102
Nov/2020 33448 56324
Dec/2020 29699 51466
all/2020 281933 638037


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 21411 38627
Feb/2019 20136 34761
Mar/2019 22934 41707
Apr/2019 22162 41515
May/2019 24690 46964
Jun/2019 21116 37441
Jul/2019 21624 40864
Aug/2019 19646 37204
Sep/2019 21574 38318
Oct/2019 23882 42733
Nov/2019 24925 52495
Dec/2019 19731 33520
all/2019 194213 486149


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 17254 27475
Feb/2018 16778 26541
Mar/2018 18278 30743
Apr/2018 17628 30750
May/2018 20218 36367
Jun/2018 18092 31144
Jul/2018 18309 32687
Aug/2018 16897 29408
Sep/2018 17371 29308
Oct/2018 20816 35927
Nov/2018 25943 46700
Dec/2018 18613 34046
all/2018 168697 391096


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 12988 19987
Feb/2017 13500 20868
Mar/2017 16311 25979
Apr/2017 15329 24748
May/2017 17404 28047
Jun/2017 14943 24387
Jul/2017 14636 23867
Aug/2017 14034 23202
Sep/2017 14575 23430
Oct/2017 17201 28044
Nov/2017 20810 34345
Dec/2017 15229 24193
all/2017 141695 301097


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 12246 18907
Feb/2016 13192 19690
Mar/2016 14813 23441
Apr/2016 13351 20722
May/2016 14829 23598
Jun/2016 13122 21643
Jul/2016 11706 18762
Aug/2016 11411 18271
Sep/2016 12726 19994
Oct/2016 15407 23081
Nov/2016 15661 24594
Dec/2016 12742 18793
all/2016 123890 251496


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 8601 13612
Feb/2015 8548 13065
Mar/2015 10399 15964
Apr/2015 10577 16600
May/2015 10895 16618
Jun/2015 9955 15644
Jul/2015 9785 15493
Aug/2015 8942 14050
Sep/2015 9639 15908
Oct/2015 12084 19856
Nov/2015 12926 21606
Dec/2015 11405 17956
all/2015 95240 196372


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 4955 7353
Feb/2014 5280 7899
Mar/2014 6983 10555
Apr/2014 8965 13284
May/2014 8430 12414
Jun/2014 7749 11335
Jul/2014 7475 11377
Aug/2014 7254 12252
Sep/2014 8244 13047
Oct/2014 9106 14446
Nov/2014 9005 14326
Dec/2014 8072 12722
all/2014 70277 141010


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 4172 5846
Feb/2013 3724 4943
Mar/2013 4364 5955
Apr/2013 5269 7796
May/2013 5633 8233
Jun/2013 4951 7223
Jul/2013 4910 6873
Aug/2013 3886 5583
Sep/2013 4553 6691
Oct/2013 5924 9212
Nov/2013 5940 8945
Dec/2013 4685 6686
all/2013 43311 83986


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 2436 3254
Feb/2012 1913 2491
Mar/2012 3609 5707
Apr/2012 3885 5807
May/2012 3520 5415
Jun/2012 3311 4434
Jul/2012 3181 4342
Aug/2012 2980 4110
Sep/2012 3169 4358
Oct/2012 4736 6901
Nov/2012 4411 6135
Dec/2012 3587 4837
all/2012 29953 57791


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 0 0
Feb/2011 0 0
Mar/2011 0 0
Apr/2011 0 0
May/2011 0 0
Jun/2011 119 180
Jul/2011 137 202
Aug/2011 117 141
Sep/2011 85 109
Oct/2011 257 452
Nov/2011 2393 3220
Dec/2011 1915 2481
all/2011 4442 6785

All years in one file: