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Download stats for software package KEGGgraph

Data as of Tue. 30 Apr 2024

Package KEGGgraph is not in the current release of Bioconductor. It was last seen in 3.19.

Number of package downloads from the Bioconductor software package repository, year by year, from 2024 back to 2009 (years with no downloads are omitted):


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2024 4887 13117
Feb/2024 5882 7718
Mar/2024 6183 8688
Apr/2024 6018 8556
May/2024 0 0
Jun/2024 0 0
Jul/2024 0 0
Aug/2024 0 0
Sep/2024 0 0
Oct/2024 0 0
Nov/2024 0 0
Dec/2024 0 0
all/2024 20347 38079


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2023 4606 6274
Feb/2023 4745 6201
Mar/2023 5776 7809
Apr/2023 5250 6970
May/2023 5477 7834
Jun/2023 5940 7802
Jul/2023 4673 6311
Aug/2023 5433 7332
Sep/2023 5823 7432
Oct/2023 5153 7061
Nov/2023 5829 8188
Dec/2023 4898 6705
all/2023 48965 85919


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2022 3674 4890
Feb/2022 3759 4958
Mar/2022 4583 5778
Apr/2022 4454 5619
May/2022 4698 6103
Jun/2022 4491 6314
Jul/2022 4838 6206
Aug/2022 5605 7445
Sep/2022 4367 5829
Oct/2022 4357 5784
Nov/2022 5474 7296
Dec/2022 4050 8977
all/2022 44912 75199


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2021 3935 5214
Feb/2021 3628 5084
Mar/2021 4673 6174
Apr/2021 4556 5821
May/2021 4104 5437
Jun/2021 4218 5757
Jul/2021 3988 5399
Aug/2021 4157 5431
Sep/2021 3779 5023
Oct/2021 3963 5379
Nov/2021 4485 6122
Dec/2021 3519 4581
all/2021 40767 65422


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2020 2863 3983
Feb/2020 3415 4746
Mar/2020 4019 5387
Apr/2020 4233 5720
May/2020 4610 6303
Jun/2020 3912 5564
Jul/2020 4062 5930
Aug/2020 3933 5681
Sep/2020 4067 5556
Oct/2020 4327 5877
Nov/2020 4099 5578
Dec/2020 3948 5413
all/2020 40341 65738


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2019 2729 3759
Feb/2019 2774 3844
Mar/2019 3024 4308
Apr/2019 2925 4223
May/2019 3412 5114
Jun/2019 2886 3980
Jul/2019 3054 4435
Aug/2019 2820 3922
Sep/2019 2877 4032
Oct/2019 3140 4506
Nov/2019 3501 4923
Dec/2019 2840 3923
all/2019 28345 50969


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2018 1757 2821
Feb/2018 1683 2328
Mar/2018 1896 2841
Apr/2018 2110 3334
May/2018 2439 4071
Jun/2018 2189 3413
Jul/2018 2322 3610
Aug/2018 2249 3403
Sep/2018 2170 3311
Oct/2018 2346 3628
Nov/2018 3428 4806
Dec/2018 2386 3238
all/2018 21082 40804


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2017 1170 1678
Feb/2017 1551 2266
Mar/2017 1975 3027
Apr/2017 1775 2602
May/2017 2061 3071
Jun/2017 1904 2799
Jul/2017 2268 3793
Aug/2017 2087 3126
Sep/2017 1738 2560
Oct/2017 1733 2551
Nov/2017 2129 3042
Dec/2017 1673 2432
all/2017 16796 32947


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2016 1030 1478
Feb/2016 1142 1647
Mar/2016 1242 2148
Apr/2016 1296 1888
May/2016 1427 2078
Jun/2016 1357 2037
Jul/2016 1252 2010
Aug/2016 1041 1435
Sep/2016 1062 1635
Oct/2016 1317 1954
Nov/2016 1519 2150
Dec/2016 1216 1732
all/2016 11735 22192


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2015 757 1254
Feb/2015 792 1270
Mar/2015 946 1524
Apr/2015 1052 1686
May/2015 914 1325
Jun/2015 965 1440
Jul/2015 952 1480
Aug/2015 874 1322
Sep/2015 929 1409
Oct/2015 1130 1724
Nov/2015 1071 1527
Dec/2015 907 1351
all/2015 8717 17312


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2014 513 742
Feb/2014 492 686
Mar/2014 634 899
Apr/2014 784 1207
May/2014 859 1372
Jun/2014 831 1132
Jul/2014 750 1130
Aug/2014 700 1006
Sep/2014 994 1360
Oct/2014 1006 1466
Nov/2014 875 1308
Dec/2014 718 1060
all/2014 7208 13368


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2013 282 976
Feb/2013 258 2330
Mar/2013 333 554
Apr/2013 437 735
May/2013 513 842
Jun/2013 483 718
Jul/2013 414 577
Aug/2013 394 543
Sep/2013 460 690
Oct/2013 801 1225
Nov/2013 690 954
Dec/2013 563 861
all/2013 4352 11005


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2012 227 337
Feb/2012 203 330
Mar/2012 221 446
Apr/2012 375 568
May/2012 243 369
Jun/2012 291 456
Jul/2012 273 396
Aug/2012 256 403
Sep/2012 253 343
Oct/2012 331 589
Nov/2012 354 488
Dec/2012 235 346
all/2012 2577 5071


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2011 202 335
Feb/2011 176 276
Mar/2011 192 319
Apr/2011 234 367
May/2011 244 429
Jun/2011 206 309
Jul/2011 229 333
Aug/2011 258 408
Sep/2011 198 328
Oct/2011 202 342
Nov/2011 307 479
Dec/2011 239 358
all/2011 2087 4283


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2010 263 400
Feb/2010 216 406
Mar/2010 238 412
Apr/2010 264 393
May/2010 293 527
Jun/2010 241 414
Jul/2010 199 363
Aug/2010 90 278
Sep/2010 175 282
Oct/2010 243 370
Nov/2010 249 421
Dec/2010 171 283
all/2010 2111 4549


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Month Nb of distinct IPs Nb of downloads
Jan/2009 32 50
Feb/2009 30 39
Mar/2009 39 43
Apr/2009 148 221
May/2009 222 310
Jun/2009 200 290
Jul/2009 247 328
Aug/2009 170 246
Sep/2009 269 361
Oct/2009 214 342
Nov/2009 268 416
Dec/2009 257 390
all/2009 1612 3036

All years in one file: