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R / Bioconductor for high-throughput sequence analysis

Seattle, USA

2012-05-10 ~ 2012-05-11


  • Martin Morgan
  • Hervé Pagès
  • Marc Carlson
  • Valerie Obenchain
  • Dan Tenenbaum
  • Paul Shannon


R / Bioconductor for High-Throughput Sequence Analysis introduces essential concepts and work flows in the manipulation and statistical analysis of sequence data. Topics covered include: essential R skills; working with sequences and alignments; RNA-seq differential expression work flows; aspects of ChIP-seq; and annotation of genes, genomes and variants. Participants engage in lectures and hands-on exercises. Participants require a laptop with internet access and a current browser.


Course Package Vignette

Install the course package as follows (under R-2.15):

pkgInstall("SeattleIntro2012", type="source")